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Hotel «Dynamix-Sonyashnik»

About Hotel «Dynamix-Sonyashnik» | Photos of rooms | Restaurant and Bar | Map | Photo Gallery

Hotel «Dynamix-Sonyashnik». Restaurant and Bar

The hotel «Dynamix-Sonyashnik» have a restaurant that serves Ukrainian and European cuisine and Bar.
The total area of the restaurant and bar is 115 square meters. 

About Hotel «Dynamix-Sonyashnik» | Photos of rooms | Restaurant and Bar | Map | Photo Gallery

 ©2019 Hotel «Dynamix-Sonyashnik». 1 str. Sichovykh Streltsov, Village Verkhnie Syn'ovydne, Skole district, Lviv region, Ukraine.
+38(063)8702779, +38(099)7844750